Client Update

Grace Period for the Senate Bill 809/Rider 143 Report

HHSC will be providing a grace period in regards to the Senate Bill 809/Rider 143 Report originally due October 1, 2021. The grace period now allows a facility to submit this data anytime between October 1, 2021-November 30, 2021. We have included a copy of the required report for you and would like to point out that the main difference between this report and the PRF report for HRSA are the dates. HRSA requires through June 30, 2021, whereas the state report requires through August 31, 2021. 

In addition, attached is the excel file for submitting for multiple NPIs under a single TIN which is recommended for hospitals with multiple nursing facilities under a single TIN. 

The NF managers will need to supply the hospital with the question #27 “COST TO THE PROVIDER TO IMPLEMENT THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RATE INCREASE”.For a nursing facility that CHOWd or had Manager changes between 1/1/2020 and 9/31/2020 the Rider 143 Report will need to be coordinated between the entities on the inclusion or exclusion required for the reporting period since the Medicaid NF rate increase would be applicable to both entities.

See below FAQ that discusses the grace period.

FAQ: What happens if a provider does not submit a report?

A: If a provider fails to complete and/or submit the required monthly report(s) on-time, one of more of the following may occur:

• A report to the Department of State Health Services or HHSC Regulatory Services

• Potential adverse actions on your licensure

• A payment hold

HHSC is granting a “grace period” to help providers come into compliance if they fail to meet any deadlines between October 1, 2021 and November 30, 2021. While the deadlines to report will not change, HHSC will not take any of the actions listed above against a provider as long as the provider submits all the required reports due between October 1, 2021 and November 31, 2021.The grace period ends December 1, 2021.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at 806-791-1591.


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